Forces For Nature Podcast

31&65. Advocating for Environmental Justice in the Ecuadorian Rainforest

Julio Prieto is an Ecuadorian lawyer who has been a key player in one of the most well-known battles for environmental justice- the case of Ecuador vs. Chevron-Texaco.

30. Watch, Connect, and Take Action on the Waterbear App

Andrea Walji introduces us to a free new interactive streaming platform that’s dedicated to the future of our planet, Waterbear.

29. Making All Cosmetics Cruelty-Free

Aviva Vetter is part of a team from Humane Society International working to end animal testing for cosmetics with the Save Ralph campaign.

28 & 64. Bridging the Partisan Divide

Chris Barnard of The Conservation Coalition is working to change the environmental narrative for the political right.

27. Bringing Regenerative Farming to Your Door

Jennifer Maynard talks about how regenerative farming can help sequester carbon, retain water, and grow healthier food which she is delivering to your door.

26. Gardening for Wildlife

David Mizejewski shares how our gardens can be key to helping reverse the dramatic wildlife declines the world is experiencing.

25. Protecting Gorillas Through Human Health

Dr. Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka is a wildlife vet in Uganda specializing in gorillas and their connection to the health of the humans around them.

24. Season 1 Closer: Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going

As this crazy year comes to an end, we celebrate the forces for nature that were featured this past season and offered rays of hope in otherwise dark times.

23. The Top 7 Actions to Take to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Brandon Schauer talks about the 7 behaviors that just 10% of Americans need to adopt to get 75% closer to climate emissions targets.

22. Creating Forest Highways for Cotton-top Tamarins

Rosamira Guillen is the Executive Director of Proyecto Titi working to save the endangered Cotton Top Tamarin- a little one-pound Colombian primate with constant bed-head.