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World-renowned ecologist and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence, Dr. Enric Sala, founded and leads Nat Geo’s Pristine Seas, a project that combines exploration, research, and media to inspire country leaders to protect the last wild places in the ocean. Today, we talk about how some ocean species can act as our N95 masks, how our oceans are like a global savings account, and why even those nowhere near oceans can be affected by what happens in them. We also discuss his “love letter to the planet,” his new book, The Nature of Nature. Today’s talk, and his book, both wonderfully illustrate how nature works and makes the case as to why protecting it, is to our advantage.
- 2:41) Is there a danger to human health from our exploitation of the oceans?
- 8:29) How does garbage in the Andaman Sea affect a family in Minnesota
- 13:26) What is his biggest challenge with the Pristine Seas project?
- 15:04) Why should fishermen advocate for protected marine reserves?
- 22:12) What’s the new book, The Nature of Nature, all about?
What YOU Can Do
- Vote for the individuals who will work for the future that you want to see.
- Eat more plants and less meat. The cattle industry is one of the leading causes of climate change which is affecting the oceans in a myriad of ways. Eating less meat can help reduce that impact.
- Be conscious of the seafood you eat. Much of it is not sustainably harvested. Here is a great guide that you can print out and carry with you by Seafood Watch.
- Recycle
- Pristine Seas Project
- Book: The Nature of Nature
- Pristine Seas Instagram
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Background music by Fearless Motivation Instrumentals: Meaning of Life
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